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Business CTE Program 


Businesses create ways for us to get what we need and desire.  The business pathway gives students the opportunity to explore how they fit in the business world.  Students will learn about business through project based learning, creating new products and designing new companies.  In the final year of the program students will be running small businesses of their own design or businesses created for the school.


Year 1 - Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Year 2 - Business Leadership

Year 3 - Business Launch


Marketing and Entrepreneurship

This introductory business course will look at marketing, production, small business, entrepreneurship and other areas of general business interest.  Students will see what is required to start a business through project based learning.  Business and marketing plans will be created for both fictional and actual businesses.  Students will gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to be an entrepreneur by working with local business owners.  Local business owners and leaders will be involved in the class, giving students the opportunity to learn from their experiences.  Students will leave the class with a better understanding of how businesses operate.

Grade Levels: 9-12

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Business Leadership

This course will continue to explore aspects of entrepreneurship as students create business around a project of their choice.  Students will have the opportunity to work with TYE, an organization that promotes entrepreneurship and provides opportunities for students to compete in competitions for cash prizes.  Students will learn leadership principles and investigate management styles.  Students will do activities to understand themselves better and develop understanding of how others think and work.

Grade Levels: 10-12

Prerequisite:  A grade of C or higher in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, or instructor approval

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Business Launch

This is where ideas become reality.  Students in this class will have opportunities to run small businesses within the school, like the student store or a marketing materials business creating banners and supplies for businesses.  As this program grows we will be reaching out to other CTE programs on how we can create businesses that serve our community.  This will also provide the opportunity for students to start their own businesses.  Students will leave this class with the knowledge of how to get permits, ways businesses can be structured, and some financial basics.

Grade Level: 11-12

Prerequisite: A grade of a C or higher in Business Leadership, or instructor approval

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