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Sustainable Agriculture CTE Program

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Madison’s Sustainable Agriculture Program is a project-based approach to teaching hands on skills and knowledge about how to grow food, plants, and build soil. Explore topics and careers in sustainability, social justice, arboriculture, horticulture, farming, food science, natural resources and botany.   

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This class is an introduction to growing food and beneficial plants in the school garden. Students work and learn in the school garden by doing the following:

  • Plan and plant veggies and fruits in your own garden plot 

  • Take care of and learn about our chickens 

  • Save seeds 

  • Understand plant anatomy, physiology and classification  

  • Perform hands-on lab experiments  

  • Use environmentally responsible gardening and farming methods 

  • Study and observe the soil food web

  • Critically think about the food system to find solutions to social and environmental problems

  • Utilize garden for cooking food, making medicine and tea 

Receive 3 college credits in Organic Farming Practicum from Clackamas Community College for completing one year of Sustainable Agriculture 1-2. 

Prerequisite: None

Grade Level: 9-12



Students in Sustainable Agriculture 3-4 work and learn in the school garden from a leadership and management perspective. Students in this advanced class have more time in the garden. Students research and design an independent project that they implement into the garden, school or community. Advanced Sustainable Agriculture 3-4 students cook, make plant medicine, propagate plants with seeds, cuttings and graftings in the greenhouse. Students learn farmer’s market customer service and business skills through the annual plant sale. 

Receive 3 college credits in Propagation of Edible Plants (HOR-135) from Clackamas Community College for completing one year of Sustainable Agriculture 3-4. 

Prerequisite: Sustainable Agriculture 1-2

Grade Level: 10-12  




Students in this independent study will complete a project or engage in an internship with a sustainable agriculture focus. The project can involve community partners that are doing amazing work in sustainable agriculture in and around Portland. Students will develop a detailed plan that includes goals, materials, budget, marketing (if any) and a timeline for their sustainable agriculture project during the first semester. Students will implement the plan during the second semester (and possibly during the summer). Once the project is carried out, students will develop a culminating presentation. Projects can be completed with a partner. Students must be pre-approved for this independent study. Students in 11th and 12th grade can take this class. 


Prerequisite: Sustainable Agriculture 1-2 & 3-4 

Grade Level: 12      



 In this hands-on course students will gain an introductory understanding of personal and environmental wellness through garden-based cooking. Students will learn to grow their own plants in the garden to use for cooking projects. The class will focus on utilizing professional harvesting and culinary practices, engaging in meal planning, and techniques to process and store your harvest throughout the seasons. Students will explore cultural heritage through the lens of food and will examine food systems from seed to table. Garden and kitchen laboratory activities are an integral part of this course. 


Prerequisite: none

Grade Level: 9-12     

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